Sunday, August 31, 2008
a new big fat time stealer...

Thursday, August 28, 2008
summer self portrait...
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Stand up. Be bold, Be strong.
Take the whole responsibility on your own shoulders.
Know that you are the creator of your own destiny.
All the strength and succor you want is within yourselves.
Stand up. Be bold. Be strong.
Make your own future.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
So...the to-do list remains the same length...
Rusty boy proved he is NOT ready for siblings...as there was far too much jealous whining, licking & a half eaten diaper...not nice...he spent most of the morning on the back porch staring in. Warning: he licks baby toes.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Thought provoking...
8 things I am passionate about:
1. Being in a supportive marriage
2. Being a considerate & kind person to anyone I encounter
3. Color, fabric, paint, furniture…
4. Quality time with my dog & lovin up my kitten pie
5. Photography
6. Eating healthy & unprocessed foods/cooking & baking them myself!!
7. Exercising regularly
8. Keeping a clean house
9. Having NO clutter
10. Learning something every single day
8 books I’ve read and enjoyed:
1. I am not a recreational book reader, nor have the desire to read anything fictitious. I get about 20 magazines a month, from which I learn…My favorites include:
2. Real simple
3. Martha Stewart Living
4. Everyday Food
5. US News & World Report
6. Domino
7. Cottage Living
8. Marie Claire
9. Vegetarian Times
10. And of course, the mindless pleasure of People
8 words/phrases that I say often:
1. Hi Babe…
2. Don’t kill anyone today…
3. Well…somehow we will make it through this.
4. Go sleep, seriously.
5. Whatcha doin chickie chickie?? [to zoie pants]
6. Be a good boy… be back soon[to rusty boy, of course]
7. Treeeeeatzz?
8. No, I will not watch sportscenter.
9. Drive safe.
10. Ugh, I’ll just do it.
8 things I want to do before I die:
1. Be a grandparent
2. Live in Europe
3. Have at least a million dollars in the bank, and never tell anyone that I do
4. Live in the mountains, overlooking a lake, where it snows
5. Ski! Then drink coffee in a lodge, in front of a fire during a blizzard
6. Have & create a warm, loving family environment that my kids want to be around
7. Scuba dive in the great barrier reef
8. Cultivate a real relationship with my nieces & nephews
9. Embrace my curviness. Then get a breast reduction.
10. Build a custom home from the ground up, then pay cash for it
8 things I’ve learned in my life:
1. You might as well do it now, cause it won’t do itself later.
2. Not to fight the path your life is taking, it’s all there for a reason so don’t force it.
3. Give a little space, get a little space.
4. I don’t ever want to know what it feels like to be in debt.
5. Create structure even if it’s not there.
6. My house doesn’t need to be perfect right now, it can be an ongoing process.
7. I don’t usually want what others have, so there’s no need to play the comparison game.
8. Material things don’t bring happiness, period. People do.
9. I really don’t like alcohol, nor how it makes me feel.
10. Excuses won’t get you anywhere. Get it done.
8 places I want to see:
1. the Swiss alps
2. bakeries in London
3. the Colosseum
4. the Mediterranean sea
5. glaciers in Alaska
6. the great barrier reef in Australia
7. a Tulip field in Holland
8. seaside cliffs in Ireland
9. Aspen in winter
10. Munich during Christmas
8 things I currently want/need:
1. More than an hour a week with my husband
2. My business to get off the ground
3. My house to be organized & completely unpacked
4. To be a mommy
5. A wide angle lens for my camera
6. A website for my business
7. To adjust to this horrific climate they call Texas
8. To stop hating the military
9. The weeds out of my yard
10. Continued confidence that I can really be a successful entrepreneur
8 people I tag:
1. Kim
2. Julie
3. Tori
4. And I need more friends that BLOG!!!! Really, it's easy-you should do it!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008
sneak peek

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
my first paying job as a designer
I arrived and spent the next two hours with a lovely older couple who are doing a full kitchen remodel & needed some serious color help. I got them all set up, kitchen & the rest of the home. Project will begin on September 22.
I helped people. I was creative. And they were so appreciative. I gave them something they couldn't have done themselves. I spent two hours doing a few of the very things I LOVE doing most...and I got PAID to do them!!!
I love working with color
I love making homes more beautiful
I love helping people & making them happy
I love having the freedom to schedule my day
I love that no day looks or feels the same
I love not working for anyone but myself
I love that my brand will look just how I visualize it
I love that I will get out of my business just exactly what I put into it
If ever I could imagine what empowerment feels like...it would have to be the way I feel right now...!!!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Martha's Peanut Butter Cups...YUMMY!
Makes 24
4 ounces white chocolate, chopped
1/2 cup smooth peanut butter
12 ounces semisweet or bittersweet chocolate, chopped
2 tablespoons unsalted roasted peanuts, chopped
- Line two 12-cup mini muffin pans with paper liners; set aside. In a microwave-safe bowl, combine white chocolate and peanut butter. Microwave, until almost melted, 1 to 1 1/2 minutes, stirring halfway through. Set aside to cool slightly.
- Meanwhile, place semisweet chocolate in another microwave-safe bowl. Microwave, stirring once or twice, until almost melted, 2 to 3 minutes.
- Dividing evenly, use a spoon to layer semisweet chocolate and peanut-butter mixture into liners, beginning and ending with chocolate; sprinkle with peanuts.
- Place muffin pans in freezer until peanut butter cups are firm, about 15 minutes. Bring to room temperature before serving.
Monday, August 18, 2008
nonono that did not just happen...
getting busy w/ superglue and some joint fasteners on the back...cross your fingers. it will be affixed to the wall if i can get the puzzle back together...[tears]
why, again, am i doing this???

Thursday, August 14, 2008
so this is how the story goes...
as if there was ever a doubt this is what she should do with her life...!!!

what i stare at all day
Monday, August 11, 2008
I need your help, friends!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this brand and it inspires me: pinkletoes. I love the energy that she creates and I am a part of her PT4P that has provided me with the marketing materials that will make my new business beautiful.
I was most inspired by the design that Marina created on this blog, and I especially love the logo next to my name at the bottom of each post. So I started writing words, words and more words. I rearranged words. I found that I am MOST productive brainstorming on the treadmill (which makes the recording them down part challenging-picture that!) And I found a name that stuck. Then, (again on that stupid treadmill-who needs an ipod!) I built on the name and began to visualize what I want the "feel" of my business to be. So here are some of my thoughts out loud. (your part still at the end!)
- want something in the name that clearly is the reason for the coordinating logo, watermark & theme, including a coordinating tag line
- want a couple of words in the name that clearly define me as someone who "styles homes"
- want a theme that is lively, provokes interest, unique & makes me approachable
- want to stay faaaaar away from the stuffy & serious design/decor companies that are intimidating so I create the feeling that “I am just one of you, who happens to have a knack for this & let's have fun together making this space work” as opposed to “I am the expert tell me a little about what you like and I’ll do everything.”
- I envision a leave behind (there's the drug rep in me speaking!) that is a bowl or vase full of berries, with a thank you, reminder of my brand & referral cards etc.
So what I need from you is your opinion. I wouldn't be asking if I didn't want your honesty. I know you can't see the "brand" like I can, but tell me what this name says to you. If you saw a business card with it on there, would you want to call me? What do you think of? BE HONEST. Got an idea to make it better? I want that too! Collaborate with me! ...off to the treadmill for more brainstorming...this start your own business thing is GREAT for my health!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Family blog...
If you dont know what I am talking about, I just started a more personal family blog which is password protected for safety reasons. I want you to be a part of it if we know each other!
I just cant say much about the hubby & his line of work for his own safety, but many of you are asking about stuff and I want to be able to share...so get in touch with me if you wanna come join! And...dont worry, this blog wont change or lose any content! :)

salted or unsalted?
Q: When baking, do you use salted or unsalted butter?
A: UNSALTED. Why? (and how do you remember???) Baking is such a precise process that most bakers like and often need to control the exact amount of salt that is added to a recipe. Therefore, save the salted butter for your bread. Go for unsalted when ya bake. Unless otherwise specified.
Made anything good lately? Today's recipe for me is fabulous scottish shortbread. I know I blogged baout it the last time I made it....here it is.

Friday, August 8, 2008
Must have: FROG TAPE!

Thursday, August 7, 2008
and everything happens for a reason.
So this woman is a stager/decorator. Military wife. Since moving here 6 months ago, she has had plenty of work, with no marketing and no functioning website. Just word of mouth and a listing on her certification site. I checked into her certification and it's one I haven't heard of before but is quite legitimate. I am spending today researching the heck out of it to see if it is worth the investment. After having a heart to heart with the hubby last night, (and doing some negotiating) he gave me his blessing. Let me tell ya, he's a keeper.
So once again I have to believe that everything in my life happens for a reason. I fought moving to Omaha and it was the best thing that has happened to me. I dreaded moving down here but maybe this is just the shakeup I needed to get me out of corporate America and begin establishing myself as a brand, a business. Sometimes the journey is unclear and scary but soon enough the path shows itself and you choose to take it or not. I am at that point right now. It will be difficult and challenging and stretch my creativity to the max. But I somehow keep thinking that those three things are exactly what were missing with my previous job that made me hate going and doing it everyday.
So...thinking out loud...but this is the most excited I have been in a while! Thought I'd take you along on this journey with me. :)
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
they say go with your gut...
Most of you know I recently relocated and am "in between" careers. I did everything I could to transfer with my previous job. It was great. Great company. Great products. Great colleagues. I just don't think that my heart lies in selling drugs. I was good at it, but I think you can be good at anything if you try really hard. Doesn't mean you're gonna be happy.
My wonderful husband told me that I could do whatever I wanted to do when we got down here, as long as I did something so I didn't go stir crazy. So here I am. Trying to find out what that something is. It's exciting, it's scary, it's confusing. "Do whatever you want babe, I want you to be happy" but what will make me happy?!?
I have put the feelers out to see if there is a genuine need for color & decorative consulting and as it turns out, there certainly is! Just through my wonderful new network of military wives I have three interested "clients" that are inviting me into their homes. So...I am running with it. I am building my portfolio. (for free, so if you live in San Antonio and need some help with your home and are willing to let me take pictures, let me know!) Funny thing is, I don't even consider it work...I am genuinely excited! I think that says something...
So I am running with it...as fast as I can.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Daily Candy
Delivered to your email box every few days (you can set the settings) is a new product or service sure to knock your socks off. 13 major cities feature daily editions, so if you live in a big one you are in luck! But...there is a nationwide edition that is worth subscribing for. Here's a sneak peek at this week's finds:


Individual pie pans...fun!

Monday, August 4, 2008
Germany Day 4, Munich
[Munich airport potty. i just love the shape of the women's dresses over here!]
[BMW headquarters are here]
[this was just a cool advertisement in the airport]
Driving to our hotel we got a mini tour that took us by the rodeo drive of Germany which was full of the designer shops we know in America. We came to our hotel which was next to the major train station in Munich, the end of all the train lines. I was surprised at how completely different this city felt compared to Berlin. I guess the best way to describe it is San Francisco compared to Oakland, Munich being more like Oakland. Our hotel, while absolutely beautiful, is not in the best area of town. There is a large Italian influence here and we are kind of in the Italian “ghetto.” I did not feel safe leaving the hotel at night.
The first night we went to the famous Augustiner Keller Beirgarten. It was the same kind of feel as the county fair food court, lots of food and beer stations around the perimeter of hundreds of picnic tables. There were many smells which were less than pleasant circulating. They sold fish, whole fish, which the customer tears open, removes the bones, then sticks a fork in it like eating out of a pita pocket. It was so gross!! Our group was in the main indoor beer hall, which was not air conditioned. We were all hot hot hot! The service staff was dressed in the typical Bavarian garb, which can best be described as “Heidi” braids and corseted peasant dresses. Men wore typical lederhosen. We were entertained with yodeling, men slapdancing (kind of riverdance style) and the playing of the large horns that reached from the mouth to the ground of the person playing. The food was of typical German fare. Those of you who know me know I struggle with the eating of meat and this night didn’t help at all. There was a little pig, head, tail and all, on the cutting board which was extremely disturbing. I was strict vegetarian that night, most of the trip actually. Overall the experience was hot and stinky and I couldn’t stomach the beer so I was clearly too sober to enjoy the evening as much I should!
[sweatin our pants off at the biergarten. that beer was just for show, it was TERRIBLE!]
[staff were dressed like the three models on the left]
[gorgeous hydrangeas again! Kim pointed out that I achieved bokeh on this shot! yah, I didn't know what that meant either, but I can do it!]
[trust me, this picture makes the place look waaaay prettier than it was.]
[famous Augustiner Keller Brew-made famous by Oktoberfest]
[yah that was the only sip of that beer I took. it was nasty!]
The hotel, however…endless photographic opportunities. Some of my favorites of the whole trip:
Friday, August 1, 2008
she got a little work done...
Let me tell you, a designer is a designer's worst client.
I knew what I wanted, but didn't have the skill set to create it myself. I enlisted Marina for the job and I am sure she didn't quite know what she was in for! My initial detailed plan was created exactly as I had asked...and then I didn't like it. Totally my fault. So, I asked her for a color revision, and she was wonderful enough to work with me again and create this beautiful design which is definitely cheery, busy, fun and inspiring. It's something I like to look at everyday and hopefully you will too!
See more from the fabulous Marina at Penny Lane Designs. Thank you, my friend, for being more than patient!!
And let me know what you think! Marina will appreciate it!