Monday, August 18, 2008

why, again, am i doing this???

So two weeks ago, craving routine in my fairly unscheduled life I decided to once again, begin the fabulous stewart smith Maximum Fitness workout plan. As it begins it is pretty much ALL running, pull ups, push ups, sit ups and other exercises that make you move your own body weight around. As I look at today's scheduled routine I am really questioning my decision to do it again is an awesome program and will whip me into shape once again. The fittest I have ever been in my life was back in college when I was doing this program and had some great shoulders, abs & legs (see them to the right!!)...and I want them back!! I am not in horrible shape, it just isn't what it used to be! In my coaching days, I would do dry land with my kids, then hit the gym and was ridiculously militant about my routine. Well...its time again...and I am openly committing to stick to it! It gives me a great mental break from business planning...!!! Off to the gym!



Anonymous said...

is that a rhetorial question? 'cause seriously if those legs aren't reason enough, i don't know what is. hot stuff lady!

MSkry said...

seriously, my dear. i am ordering this thing this evening...we'll do it together??? your legs are totally hot in that pic!!!