Tuesday, July 29, 2008
so i love pigs.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Pillow Design Tool
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I totally told an NBA starter that I thought basketball was boring.
Let me explain...
So I had my first hair appointment here in San Antonio. This is probably the most anxiety ridden part of a move-that and finding my gynecologist. I was limited to three salons because of the hair color I use & love and decided on the only salon in town that met my list of requirements. I met my new stylist, Nowlin (his stage name, yes, he is forty, fabulous and flaaaaming). So Nowlin sits me down and we begin down the road of the most fun salon experience I have had to date!
Mid conversation about red and shades of red and how his conditioning treatment intensifies the color (yes, I bought it and got it today...fabulous) and he casually introduces me to this guy who I get to know over a 20 minute period. This guy is warm and friendly and has the most perfectly buffed and beautiful hands I have ever seen on a man, not to mention they are the softest hands I have ever shaken...so we chat and find some common history. CSU Fullerton, coming from California and he explains his business plan to me emphasizing his love for unbeatable customer service. He tells me never to bring my own coffee again, that he would proudly brew me a fabulous cup in the salon. After we chat and laugh and have some genuinely entertaining conversation, he moved on to the next client in the salon and introduced himself, serving a choice of five different beverages on his tray. He was hand passing drinks to the clients. I had learned that he was the owner of the salon and it was named after his wife. He had two kids and moved to San Antonio about 10 years ago. His little boy spent 2 hours on the potty trying very hard to pee during a party this weekend. You know, I learned the good stuff.
It got better when he walked away.
Turns out he is the starting center on the Spurs. Bruce was Bruce Bowen. Millionaire. Pro Athlete. Celebrity. Hmm...Did I really just tell this guy I didn't like basketball because I thought it was boring?
I totally did. I don't think that I told them all the men in my family hate the spurs because they think its boring to watch...but I could have. I don't know. Just a girl, in a salon, chatting her head off to whomever will chat back. Ughhhhhh!!
Did I mention he was humble, and unassuming and really cared about his job at the salon? He was wonderful. And I will go back. For Nowlin too. :)
Nowlin told me that Eva comes in for her spa treatments every time she's in town for Tony's games. Guessed I picked the best salon in San Antonio! Score!
Monday, July 21, 2008
And just when she thought the world was coming to an end...
No really. Target saved me from my 48 hour obsession...aaaaand breakdown over how shitty of a "designer" I am. (correction: thought I was)
You see, it all started with a stupid TV show ...which led to a bedroom color that I thought would be a good idea (charcoal-ish)...which led to a duvet that I thought would be perfect...fast forward two months...
Looks like SHIT. No really. Hate my furniture. Hate my taste. Hate my bedroom (which let me tell you, is NOT the room in the house you want to hate). On the verge of hating the house because apparently my design expertise doesn't exist outside ekru, olive, chocolate and russet. (those are colors, promise)
So...ordered duvet #2 which allegedly would make color #1 work. Negative. Made me hate it more.
Now I am $60 in the whole on shipping because someone thought San Antonio didn't need a crate & barrel. Ready to paint the room a new color and ahhhhh[higher note]ahhhhhh[lowest note]ahhhh...I visited target. Found the piece that will tie it all together. hallelujah. I can now sleep soundly.
Now color goes with duvet #3 [well, we'll see when it comes in the mail, ordered in clay] which is tied together by this lovely throw.
crisis averted...
[bedroom now...]
[pintucked duvet...bottom of the pile...backordered till september and yes, the colors are off on the screen...]
I think I need a job.
Germany Adventure, Day 3: Berlin & Fancy Dinner
I am writing this a day late, as I fly on Lufthansa from Berlin to Munich. We were out late last night and enjoying every last second in Berlin so I am catching up during some downtime. Our flight is one hour long, so just a quick hop.
So our day began with breakfast at the hotel, the same amazing spread that we found out costs about 28 Euros, or over $45 US dollars per person. The spread was again, amazing. I think I could live on the cream cheese (brie looking) and the fresh bread.
We did a little bit of shopping along the way, mostly window shopping. It is very expensive over here and the dollar:euro exchange rate is not good. I did splurge in the Berlin Couture shop which sold “couture” Berlin logo clothing. I got Tommy a red track jacket and was amused when I asked the sales guy who was about the same size to try it on. I thought the jacket fit just right and he claimed it was way too big. He grabbed the smaller size, shoved himself into it and zipped on his second skin. “Now it fits,” he said. Picturing my husband in a jacket that was skin tight made me giggle and I ended up buying the larger size. I ended up with a bling black sweatshirt, encrusted in Swarovski crystals in the shape of the Berlin bear. It cost way too much, but I didn’t buy much else. I collect Swarovski crystal figures whenever I go anywhere, and had to get one for this trip. I found a Swarovski “maus” that I just had to have since this place reminds me of my grandmother (and her love of mice) and I figured I had to have the maus to remember Berlin. That was the extent of my shopping. Oh, one more—Tommy said not to get him anything while I was here, unless, of course, I found Heidi Klum and she wanted to come home with me. So, I just had to grab a German magazine with Heidi on the cover, so I hope he’s happy!
For dinner, we went to Luttner-Wegner, one of the top 10 restaurants in Berlin, and offering an authentic German cuisine. The ambiance was amazing, the company was fantastic and the wine was plentiful. The potato soup was excellent (I have ordered it every day!) and the main entrée was great too. I had vegetarian ravioli and Tori had the famous, award winning Sauerbraten, beef soaked in vinegar and slow roasted. I swear, this tasted just like my mother & grandmothers cooking. I feel like I am at home! The wine was a German wine and I am kicking myself that I didn’t take the name of it. It was a champagne grape that provided just a hint of carbonation when it hit the tongue. It was by a long shot, the best wine I have ever tasted.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
My poor, poor husband.
[he said it's the worst when they all go off at the same time]
Monday, July 14, 2008
Germany Adventure: DAY 2, Berlin by River
By this time I have completely fallen in love with this city. Tommy and I have always entertained the idea of a European tour with the Military since the largest Military hospital in Europe is in Germany and it may be a reality someday. The current medical flight path for the most critically injured is from Iraq to Ramstein Air Base in Germany and then to Lackland AFB, transferred to Tommy’s hospital, Brooke Army Medical Center. I would live here in a heartbeat. There is such social conscience that is long forgotten in the US. Only certain vehicles with certified emissions efficiencies are allowed into city center. What is seen is streets lined with smart cars and miniature Mercedes that are not offered in the US. Even the Honda civics is different, smaller. One tour guide remarked that people who bought the very expensive vehicles are out of luck as they sit with their hundred thousand Mercedes and can no longer drive them to work because they are not clean or small enough for the color sticker needed to head downtown. Bikes are ridden everywhere here, even by people in full business suits. Most remarkably, I have yet to see an obese person that is not American. There is no rushing on the street, there are warm smiles everywhere and what can only be described as a genuine love of life. I love it here. I could live here and not miss much of anything in the US.
The afternoon took those of us employed by Bayer to Bayer-Schering headquarters, where we toured the production facility and the only building that was left after the War, which now houses the Schering Museum. The production facility is where all of the drugs we sell are made and is lines and lines of sterile, sophisticated supply chains. The US YAZ was not in production today, but the European version of the product (same ingredients, different name), “Yasminelle” was. The packaging was completely different.
[from outside the center]

[one of the main anchor buildings, I thought it was cool that all of the lights were on at night]
[in front of the fountains that constantly change colors]
[how cool is the roof? Also changed colors...]
[inside the platz looking out towards the street]
Tomorrow is the last day in Berlin before we fly to the other side of the country, to Munich which we hear is the polar opposite of the cosmopolitan place!