Sunday, July 20, 2008

My poor, poor husband.

So my photoshop is acting up and crashing all the time. Editing photos is taking far longer than expected, and day 3 was a very photo-licious day in Berlin. So patience please! I will have them posted soon!

Meanwhile, I am trying to understand why surgeons are tortured during residency. No one else we know seems to have it quite this bad. If my husband is not at the hospital, he is sleeping or working out which leaves exactly zero time for him to relax. He is so perpetually exhausted that he fell asleep on the floor when he laid down and was waiting for me to stretch his back out. For an hour he slept on the floor. (!!!) My my my. What am I going to do with him. More like what am I going to do FOR him. Try very hard to be patient and understanding and not demanding. (example #1, I did exactly what I said I would NEVER EVER DO...I mowed the LAWN! Never in my life...that's what love is...this was a first) 80 hour work weeks seem like a dream at this point...

Anyhoo--visited him for lunch today and I now get it. This is what he deals with. Every night...

[he said it's the worst when they all go off at the same time]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain my dear!