Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Well this weekend we had a huge wakeup call. About 2 am Saturday morning, our beloved boxer, Rusty, stopped breathing. My [almost] doctor husband reacted quickly to my panicked screams and sprung into action using his people medical skills to save our dog. After a day of testing we still do not know what is wrong. My husband detected an arrhythmia immediately following the episode and the vet suspects Rusty has a heart condition which is a common problem in boxers. We will know more after he has an EKG.

If I didnt have my husband and his medical knowledge Rusty would probably not have made it becasue I wouldnt have known what to do. I am taking it upon myself to implore you to learn the animal CPR and HEIMLICH if you are a pet owner. You never think you need to know it until you have an emergency; then you wish you did. I will make it easy for you. Please, please, please follow the links below to teach yourself this knowledge. You may just save your four-legged friend's life.

The following books can be purchased from the American Red Cross and are specific to DOGS or CATS.

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