My sister in law Chrissa inspired this post, as I saw this that she wrote about herself and it was extremely interesting. I learned things I never knew. This forced me to remember things I have done and I must say, Nebraska has been the best thing that has happened to me in a while. I have loved it here. I have become ME here.

Things I have been (in chronological order)…a wife, a kitty mama, a copier sales rep, a pharmaceutical sales consultant, a pontiac driver, a first time homeowner, a decorator, a boxer mama, a healthy cook, a jeep driver, a good wife, able to live on a budget, a neat & clean freak, a pacifica driver, a baker, a very hard worker, a good girlfriend to girlfriends, a husker fan, a 1600 miles per week driver, a photographer, a President’s Circle winner, a volvo driver, proud of my accomplishments, a doctor’s wife, a captain’s wife, a better person than I was when I got here.
When living in Texas...
Things I hope to be...a mommy, a patient wife, a busy person, an educator, a painter (again!), a great friend to girlfriends, a volunteer, a master budgeter, a gardener, conscious of the environment, an even better person than when I got there. And surely this list will grow…