Monday, December 17, 2007

Corner Bakery's Cinnamon Pecan Rugalach

This weekend while in Chicago, we had breakfast at this cute little bakery called the Corner Bakery which was (surprise) on a corner just up from our hotel at 123 Wacker Street. I grabbed the Cinnamon Pecan Rugalach thinking they looked yummy and was curious having never tasted Rugalach before. MmmmmmMmmmm were they good! After doing a little research I learned it is a Jewish pastry that has many different variations. These were the ones I grabbed:

Now that I cant just pop over and pick some up, I am looking to recreate them. Have a recipe? I'd love to know what you have made that are close to this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AllRecipes actually featured a rugalach recipe a couple of days ago!!!